Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tall Buildings

I went to see the Jones Street Boys perform at Used Housing Works on Thursday. I hadn't heard them before but it was free and I had had some beers and at that point could've been lead straight to hell happily with the promise of "free." But enough about me, they ended with this song (a John Hartford cover that I also had never heard before) that I liked. Enjoy. Tall Buildings - The Jones Street Boys

Also, in other news. Buy a Mac for college and get a free iPod (touch or nano). You can just say you're going to school. They don't check.

Too many Weddings

I haven't had a weekend in New York since May. I'm probably missing out on a shit ton of free concerts. I've been invited to shows almost every weekend, but haven't been able to go due to weddings. The weddings have been cool but you know... summer in the city is fucking great on the weekends and I hate missing it. So far I have misssed: M.I.A., Holy Fuck, Vampire Weekend, The Hold Steady... this list is going to be too long if I keep going.

My new music... I'm all about the New Nine Inch Nails (The Slip), Ladytron (Velocifero), and on a lighter note Lykke Li (Youth Novels). This will be my summer album. She's got that amateur pop princess thing going on. Not like Lily Allen pop, but more like a mix between Feist and Gwen Stefani. Check out her video for Little Bit.

Little Bit

Friday, June 27, 2008


i bought a wii. i think i am already developing early stages of wii elbow...happily, i might add.

a couple nights ago, i watched "i want someone to eat cheese with" . i thought it was pretty great. if you enjoyed watching curb your enthusiasm, you will probably dig this. conversely, if you hate curb, you will probably hate this

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Way to take initiative Dennis, consider this: * to be a gold star, you could even call it the gold star of freedom in achievement if you want to, cause it's yours now.

I have been listening to the band Does it offend you, yeah a bit lately as well as Wilco's Sky Blue Sky. I've also been attempting to get more into the new release from the Dandy Warhols "Earth to the Dandy Warhols", it's taking some time but I'm confident that I'll find a center in it.

I'm currently reading "The World Without Us", and I'm about to start "The Lying Days" by Nadine Gortimer for my book club. If anyone is in LA and wants to join a fun exciting book club let me know...

Also for those in the Los Angeles area, I've been enjoying hitting the Vineland Drive-in in Baldwin park. Excellent projectors and screens and all the fun you can have in a car! It's also a swap meet, learn more here.
i was listening to the ipod the other day and realized that i am getting a bit tired of the music that keeps singing in my ears, but i didnt really know what to do about it. i plan on tapping into each of my friends and exploiting your palettes as to ascertain the next song on my ipod. and while i am at it, i wouldnt mind knowing what you are reading, looking at, thinking about, where you think the good fishing holes are, where you are traveling and on and on ad infinitum.

hopefully, by inviting a large number of people to this blog, it will live with minimal participation by any one individual.

no limitations of what you can post. if'ns you dont want to talk about music and instead you want to rant about that milkshake in your hand, then do it.

also, if there is someone you think is worthwhile to invite to this lil crock pot, let me know and i will add him/her


let's get this bitch started