Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ah, google ads at work! or did you know that devin is a stuttering republican?

i received devin's post, "free speech," in my gmail inbox. as we all know, google adds a bunch of paid links that are supposed to be related to whatever your email is. pretty genius. if googles analysis (displayed on the left) of devin is correct, i must have grossly misjudged devin...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Free Speech

Yes, we live in America where we have the freedom of speech! Yay! It's a privilege that I know we all enjoy, even if we sometimes take it for granted. But lately I've noticed something troubling. A new trend with conservatives, republicants, and jesus-freaks who have found a new way to play the victim - by claiming that their freedom of speech is being "threatened" because other people are holding them accountable for their words! Can you imagine that? Yes, we do have the freedom of speech, but with it comes the responsibility of standing behind the words that come out of your mouth and dealing with the repercussions. It would be best if people could learn how to do this constructively and maturely, but it seems that for many neo-cons, they can dish it out but they can't take it.
Take Sarah Palin, complaining about the treatment she receieved from the media and most Americans in general during her vice-presidential campaign. I've heard her complaints against Katie Couric, Tina Fey, and the "liberal elite" media in general. Wanna know why the media seems biased? Because people in the media are educated, have done a lot of reading,are familiar with current events, and are able to process information. Therefore, they tend to be a little more progressive. They don't think it's funny when a vice-presidential candidate can't name what publications she reads on a regular basis - it's more like insulting. Sarah Palin has a right to say whatever she wants, but the press has the right to report on it. If you don't like the way you look in a mirror, don't blame the mirror.
Then there are the Prop 8 supporters who are alleging that they are being "discriminated" against because their donations to remove the fundamental right to marry from same-sex couples are public information. As a result, many fair-minded Californians have chosen to either boycott or condemn some of these folks. Mean? Maybe. Unfair? Not at all. You gave money to crush people's dreams and negatively impact the lives of millions of families. Deal with your actions. Deal with the hurt you have caused people, think of the children's lives you are affecting, the parents like mine who have to live with other people deciding to demonize and restrict the fate of their families' futures!
Religious people who claim they are being persecuted for their faith in the United States are about as valid as models complaining that they are being objectified. You chose the religious lifestyle, you chose to act self-righteous and morally superior and you love it, and you love to make other people feel like they are not as good as you because they chose not to believe in a supernatural power who supposedly spoke through humans thousands of years ago to write a book that pretty much condemns every person on this planet depending on how you interpret it. And yet we let you do that, we let you go to your churches and listen to your preachers and you don't have to hide it and you are free to talk about it whenever you want. You even got "in god we trust" branded onto our money, whether I trust in god or not. So don't complain to me that you are being discriminated against or that your free speech is being threatened. You can say whatever the F$&@ you want, it doesn't mean I have to listen, and if I do listen I have every right to tell you just what I think of your opinion. So deal with it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

music I like right now

andrew bird
fleet foxes
bon iver
hot chip
loney dear
she and him
denguw fever
boy eats drum machine
tokyo police club